Saturday, March 14, 2009

Weekend in Delta

A couple weeks ago we went to delta to see merrills dad, Steven and Leslie, and Natalie. It was a quick trip but we had fun. First things first...we headed straight to Leos for a Delta burger! We hung out with merrills dad saturday afternoon then headed to Steves and stayed there till sunday afternoon. The kids had a ball of course. We got to see Natalie on our way out and her cute new puppy! We were so happy to be able to see everyone!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

The girls look so cute, Dad just loves seeing them, so do I. It was great seeing you guys. I need to get down there and see everyone and escape this cold. Although yesterday it was warm, I even threw on a pair of shorts. You could probably see the blinding white from my legs down there! Tell Merrill and the girls hi for me.